This specialised area deals with injuries specifically related to sport.

Sports people will often put high demands on their bodies to attain the high level of performance they strive for. This causes stress on the bones, joints and muscles and on occasions injury will occur. With quick clinical diagnosis, appropriate and effective treatment, rehabilitation and most importantly prevention of recurrence you will return to your desired sport as quickly as possible.

sports physio

Benefits of Sports Rehabilitation

Scientifically proven

Whilst under our care, your therapist will not only treat the presenting injury but will also carefully analyse the possible causes. Once this has been established, as well as hands-on therapeutic techniques, you will undertake a programme of appropriate strengthening and stretching exercises. Where appropriate the technique of the sporting activity will be assessed and, if necessary, education to restore normal movement patterns will be undertaken. For those with lower limb problems, close liaison with podiatrists for the provision of orthotics will aim to minimise the long term effects of the chosen sport and allow you to perform at the highest level without recurrence of the injury.